2 - Floating

Floating is another situation where it’s tough to make everyone happy.

Patients need care – does it make better sense to ask a nurse to help out or to leave one department overstaffed and another understaffed?

Learning something new can be exciting, but being required to step out of your area of expertise is scary, especially if you feel it puts patients at risk.

Nurses forced to float – as opposed to those who volunteer or who are hired specifically to float wherever they are needed – are often downright scared because they don’t feel they know what they should to keep their patients safe.

This can be particularly true for a new graduate or for a nurse who has only worked in one unit for a long period of time.

Floating can be even more stressful if the staff in the unit to which the nurse floats are not supportive, or worse yet, if they criticize the floating nurse for his or her efforts.